How do you buy cheap wholesale jewelry? I know most of the online eBay, Etsy, or Amazon sellers will not tell you their secrets. But since we are in the business of providing you with cheaper than wholesale jewelry, we will let you in on the secrets.
You can buy jewelry directly from China. It would be the simplest way to get cheaper than wholesale prices. Of course, that’s

what the wholesalers do. It is a choice for you, but don’t rush into it. There are a lot of problems with dealing with China.
First, you would need to buy in bulk. If you don’t buy in bulk prices will be too high. Second, a lot of honest, hard-working folks have been ripped off by some Chinese companies. So you have to overcome the trust issue and build relationships slowly.
The secrets to buying cheap wholesale jewelry
Here’s the scoop: every year, there is a surplus of jewelry due to overproduction, companies going out of business, and customer returns. This merchandise then gets unloaded in bulk by retailers at cost-price. Companies like ours buy this merchandise at a discount. Hence, we are able to offer you these pieces for almost 75% less than wholesalers would charge – now that’s what I call an amazing deal!
To make this specific, there are three types of closeouts:
- Department store closeout
- Manufacturer closeout
- Wholesaler closeout
Department store closeout
Yes, the big “W”, the “M”, and the “T” of department stores sell closeout. A few companies have exclusive deals with some of them, so they buy it in bulk, and again, then it is sold on websites like ours. The good news for folks like you is that this closeout is usually repairable when it’s not brand new. So you can sell them on eBay or your store for really good prices.
In addition to buying jewelry directly from us, you can also source them through various auction sites such as liquidation.com. However, much of the inventory on these platforms is supplied by closeout companies like ours, so you might want to short-circuit the route and buy direct.
Manufacturer closeout
It is really common sense. Manufacturers have to overproduce. Knowing exactly what the market needs is not a perfect science. Obviously, these companies try their best to produce the exact amount, but overproduction happens a lot. So big manufacturers accept it, as part of their business. They have processes to sell these goods at cost.
That is how a lot of closeout companies get their goods. Directly from these major manufacturers.
Wholesaler closeout
Wholesalers buy from manufacturers and sell to stores directly. As mentioned above, some of these stores close-out their jewelry, but most of the closeouts come directly from a wholesaler who is stuck with merchandise that stores cannot buy. This could be for several reasons:
- Business might be bad
- Seasonal changes
- Fashion trend fluctuations
Regardless, wholesalers cannot sit on jewelry for a long time. They have to make space for new fashion jewelry, so it is to their benefit to sell the jewelry their customers cannot buy quickly.
Next, let’s talk about the types of jewelry you will find in the closeout lots.
Are the pins shown on page available? Also do you have any Hera jewelry…I think I used to buy from your company and I loved it! Marissa
we are liquidating our pins in our not so junky jewelry boxes by the pound. We dont dont have any more to sell individually.
Hello, I need closeout custome
necklace and earring jewelry set. At very ridiculous price. I can send you pictures of different designs if you want.
Do you have any catalogs you can send me. Also when I order by the pound will there be duplicates?
Please get back to me @224-245-0573
we dont have any catalogs, there are some repeats but not many our boxes are heavily assorted.
Could I sell for 1.00 dollar and make a profit
I use to but 30lb Boxes of junk jewelry maybe 10+ years ago, there was a really nice Man that always helped me, his name is Peter or Pete, I always got amazing stuff!! I was a repeat customer, I’m hoping this is the right web page because they had the same website name as this one. If it is then I can’t wait to start buying from you guys again! 🙂
We have some junk jewelry boxes coming up, please check this page in a couple days.
I am interested in selling a lot of turquoise style/color jewelry. Do you have any? Thank you!
We do not have turquoise jewelry however we have blue color jewelry that we could sort a custom lot for you.
[…] Previously we talked about what closeout costume jewelry is and where it’s sourced. Now let’s talk about the type of jewelry found in these lots. […]